

Professor of Humanistic Gerontology, at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Jan Baars is the author or many publications on aging, ranging from conceptual analysis to polemic criticism and more reflective existential perspectives. He has given Master classes at universities in Europe, the United States, New Zealand, South Africa and India. Continue reading →


Estudios Públicos reviews ‘Long Lives Are for the Rich’

Ignacio Cabib (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) reviews Long Lives Are for the Rich in Estudios PúblicosLong Lives Are for the Rich corresponde a un robusto ensayo en el que se discute en profundidad el modo en que la introducción de polí-ticas neoliberales en Estados Unidos, a partir de fines de la década de 1970, condujo en pocas décadas a tener, por una parte, el producto interno bruto más alto del mundo, al mismo tiempo que las mayores desigualdades sociales entre los países desarrollados.” Download PDF

Aged care refers to a person not a medical condition

Ageism is alive and well and the sometimes-patronising assumptions we make about aging can influence care for older Australians. KENDALL MORTON discusses the importance of keeping people at the forefront of care.
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Sfuggite al dominio culturale dell’età cronometrica

Diamo per scontato che l’”età” indichi una fase in un processo logico di invecchiamento. Ma è solo una misura del tempo trascorso dalla nascita Jan Baars, professore di Gerontologia Interpretativa all’Università di Studi Umanistici di Utrecht e autore di Aging and the Art of Living Il mio incontro con il lavoro del professor Jan Baars …

Ageing & Society reviews Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure

Jan Baars , Joseph Dohmen , Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson (eds), Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure: Connecting Critical and Humanistic Gerontology, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2013, 216 pp., hbk £70.00, ISBN 13: 978 1 4473 0090 8. Academic texts on the intersection between critical and humanistic gerontology are sparse in academia. Most of the literature in … Continue reading →

What Makes Life Precious

Jan Baars is the author of Aging and the Art of Living The prospect of dying has always fascinated and haunted human beings. Today, scientists are talking about treatments that could expand average life spans by decades or may even outwit mortality. On the other hand, philosopher Jan Baars says we have exalted longevity over … Continue reading →

68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America

The 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America conference is the most important yearly event in the gerontological calendar, drawing thousands of attendees from all over the globe. This year it takes place in Orlando, Florida – 18-22 November 2015. To encourage interdisciplinary debate between the different sections of GSA, this year’s conference presents … Continue reading →